Reduce water usage

Reduce water usage

Reducing water usage is important for a number of reasons, including conserving water resources, minimising environmental impact, and saving money on utility bills. In the UK, water is a precious resource that is often taken for granted, despite the fact that the country experiences periodic droughts and water shortages.

  1. Water consumption per person in the UK is around 140 litres per day, which is higher than many other European countries.
  2. Approximately one-third of household water usage in the UK is from flushing toilets, which could be reduced through the use of more water-efficient toilet systems.
  3. In 2019, around 3 billion litres of water were lost every day due to leakage from water supply networks.
  4. According to the Environment Agency, demand for water in the UK is expected to exceed supply by 2050 due to population growth and climate change.
  5. The UK experiences periodic droughts and water shortages, making water conservation crucial for ensuring a sustainable supply of water.
  6. Water treatment and distribution accounts for a significant portion of the UK's carbon footprint, meaning that reducing water usage can help to mitigate climate change.
  7. Using less water can help to reduce water bills for households and businesses, saving money in the long run.
  8. Overuse of water can lead to soil erosion and degradation, impacting agriculture and food security in the UK.
  9. Reducing water usage can help to protect aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity, as well as reduce water pollution from wastewater treatment and agricultural runoff.
  10. Simple actions like fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and reducing unnecessary water usage can make a big difference in conserving water resources in the UK.


Water UK. (2021). Water Consumption.

  1. Environment Agency. (2019). Water Demand Management.
  2. Water UK. (2021). Leakage.
  3. Environment Agency. (2016). Water resources planning guideline.
  4. UK Climate Projections. (2018). Headline Findings.
  5. Waterwise. (2017). Water and Energy.
  6. Water UK. (2021). Reducing Your Bill.
  7. Soil Association. (2021). Soil Erosion.
  8. Environment Agency. (2018). Water Quality.
  9. Waterwise. (2021). Using Water Wisely.